What is 9000ro in Square Yards?

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What is 9000 Roods (9000ro) in Square Yards (ya²)?

What is 9000ro in ya²? Convert 9000 Roods (9000ro) to Square Yards (ya²) and show formula, brief history on the units and quick maths for the conversion.

Enter Roods to convert to Square Yards

Reset Form
Swap Units (ya² → ro)
9000ro = 10889999.76ya²

Quick Reference for Converting Roods to Square Yards

ya² = ro x 1210
Quick Rough Maths
To get the Square Yards, multiply the number of Roods by 1.2 thousand
Roods (ro) in 1 Square Yard
There are 0 Roods in 1 Square Yard
Square Yards (ya²) in 1 Rood
There are 1210 Square Yards in 1 Rood

Unit Information

Symbol: ro
Unit System: Historic English

What is the Rood?

The rood is a unit of area used in historic England with the symbol ro.

Its unit size is equal to 1/4 of an acre, 10,890 ft² or 1,012m². A rectangle equal to one furlong in length and one rod in width is one rood in area.

Its use was very important in surveying land because of the ease of conversion into acres from smaller sections of land.

Square Yard
Symbol: ya²
Unit System: Imperial

What is the Square Yard?

The square yard is a unit of area and is an imperial unit with the symbol ya².

One square yard is equal in area to a square with edges one yard in length. It also equals 1,296 in² and ≈ 0.836 m².

The square yard is a common unit of measurement in the UK and US.

Conversion Tables for Roods (ro) to Square Yards (ya²)