The micrometre (American spelling micrometer) is a unit of length and is a multiple of the SI unit metre. It uses the symbol μm.
It represents one millionth of a metre and is also known by its previously depreciated name micron.
In the US, the term 'micron' helped distinguish the unit name from the device 'micrometer' but the International System of Units (SI) discontinued this term in favour of micrometre as the prefix system required the use of the Greek symbol 'μ' which invoked the factor x10−6.
The caliber is a unit of length based on the inch (imperial units) and uses the symbol cl.
It represents the internal diameter of a gun barrel and therefore more often than not, the size of the ammunition or round that gun requires to fire.
It is not always represented or converted exactly in inches so a table or "well-known" conversions are often used to depict measurements / ammo types instead.