Convert Years (a) to Hours (hr) | a in hr

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Let's convert Years (a) to Hours (hr)

This quick and easy calculator will convert Years (a) to Hours (hr) and show formula, brief history on the units and quick maths for the conversion.

Enter Years to convert to Hours

Quick Reference for Converting Years to Hours

hr = a x 8760
Quick Rough Maths
To get the Hours, multiply the number of Years by 8.8 thousand
Years (a) in 1 Hour
There are 0 Years in 1 Hour
Hours (hr) in 1 Year
There are 8760 Hours in 1 Year

Unit Information

Symbol: a
Unit System: SI

What is the Year?

The year is a unit of time that is a multiple of an SI unit and uses the symbol a.

The Julian year is made up of exactly 365.25 days – each with 60 x 60 x 24 seconds (86,400 seconds). The .25 days is worked into the system by counting 366 days once every 4 cycles. This is known as a “leap year” and the “leap day” happens at the end of February.

The term year represents the length of time it takes for the earth to complete one full cycle around the sun. Each planet therefore has a different year length.

To track years, humanity has assigned an incremental numbering system. Depending on which culture, religion or part of the world you are from or follow, this number varies. The most common numbering system suggests we are in the 21st century – i.e. in the 2000’s. This system started 0 AD (Anno Domini – which translates from Latin as “In the year of our Lord”). Time before this is referred to as BC (before Christ) and the number increases as you go further into history (like a negative number would).

Symbol: hr
Unit System: SI

What is the Hour?

The hour is a unit of time and is a multiple of an SI base unit with the symbol hr.

There are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. Consequently, there are 3600 seconds in an hour.

In a mean solar day, there are 24 hours.

Originally in the Middle East, the hour was defined as 1/12 of the day or night time. However, seasonal factors clearly affected all of these definitions and an average is used today to normalise and allow calculations.

Conversion Tables for Years (a) to Hours (hr)