The US gill is a unit of volume in the US customary unit system and uses the symbol gi.
It represents 1/4 of a pint - so in this instance, it is 1/4 of US pint - therefore measures exactly 118.29411825 ml. It's also equal to 8 tablespoons, 24 teaspoons and 5/6 imperial gills.
The gill has been mentioned a number of times in popular literature; including in Treasure Island, Animal Farm and in Dan Simmon's 'The Terror' - and all references are pointing to the use of the gill in terms of alcohol measures or servings.
The teaspoon is a unit of volume in the US customary system and uses the symbol Tsp.
In the kitchen, the teaspoon is the smaller of the commonly used spoons served at the table and represents 1/6 US fluid ounce, 1/48 US cup or, expressed in SI / metric format; 4.92892159375 ml.
A teaspoon is generally considered a cooking measure but is also used in the administration of medicine when in solution form; 5 ml or multiples thereof is the standard amount of liquid medicine across the world.