What is 19gi in Register Tons?

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What is 19 Gills (19gi) in Register Tons (GRT)?

What is 19gi in GRT? Convert 19 Gills (19gi) to Register Tons (GRT) and show formula, brief history on the units and quick maths for the conversion.

Enter Gills to convert to Register Tons

Quick Reference for Converting Gills to Register Tons

GRT = gi / 19932.29
Quick Rough Maths
To get the Register Tons, divide the number of Gills by 19.9 thousand
Gills (gi) in 1 Register Ton
There are 19932.29 Gills in 1 Register Ton
Register Tons (GRT) in 1 Gill
There are 0 Register Tons in 1 Gill

Unit Information

Symbol: gi
Unit System: Imperial

What is the Gill?

The gill is a unit of volume in the imperial unit system and uses the symbol gi.

It represents 1/4 of a pint - so in this instance, it is 1/4 of an imperial pint - therefore measures exactly 142.0653125 ml. It's also equal to 2 imperial cups and 1/32 of an imperial gallon.

It is pronounced with a "J" sound at the beginning - and it actually part of a humorous in the nursery rhyme 'Jack & Jill'.

In the UK it was used throughout pubs as standard measures; for example spirits were served as 1/6 gill as standard. In Scotland it was 1/5 gill and in Ireland 1/4 gill. It's still used in the Republic of Ireland today.

Register Ton
/ˈrɛdʒɪstə tʌn/
Symbol: GRT
Unit System: Shipping

What is the Register Ton?

The register ton is a unit of volume in the shipping world and uses the symbol GRT.

1 register ton is equal to 100 ft³ or 2.832 m³.

The register ton is used in shipping to measure the amount of cargo on a vessel. The phrase is often mistaken for a unit of mass or weight because of the term 'ton' but should not be confused.

Conversion Tables for Gills (gi) to Register Tons (GRT)