What is 510dry gal in Acre Feet?

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What is 510 US Dry Gallons (510dry gal) in Acre Feet (ac⋅ft)?

What is 510dry gal in ac⋅ft? Convert 510 US Dry Gallons (510dry gal) to Acre Feet (ac⋅ft) and show formula, brief history on the units and quick maths for the conversion.

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510dry gal = 0ac⋅ft

Quick Reference for Converting US Dry Gallons to Acre Feet

ac⋅ft = dry gal / 280025.99
Quick Rough Maths
To get the Acre Feet, divide the number of US Dry Gallons by 280 thousand
US Dry Gallons (dry gal) in 1 Acre Foot
There are 280025.99 US Dry Gallons in 1 Acre Foot
Acre Feet (ac⋅ft) in 1 US Dry Gallon
There are 0 Acre Feet in 1 US Dry Gallon

Unit Information

US Dry Gallon
Symbol: dry gal
Unit System: US Customary

What is the US Dry Gallon?

The US dry gallon is a unit of volume in the US customary unit system with the symbol dry gal.

The dry gallon is equal to 268.8025‬ in³ or 4.404 L.

The US dry gallon is not used anywhere any more - the unit below is the dry pint and the unit above is the bushel.

Acre Foot
/ˈeɪkə fiːt/
Symbol: ac⋅ft
Unit System: US Customary

What is the Acre Foot?

The acre-foot is a unit of volume in the US customary unit system with the symbol ac⋅ft.

It represents the volume contained in a box measuring 660 feet long, 66 feet wide and 1 foot deep. This can be thought of a box the size of an acre but 1 foot deep.

It is approximately the same volume as an 8 lane swimming pool; 25 metres in length, 3 metres deep and 16 metres wide (assuming lanes are 2 metres wide).

It is still used in the US despite its links to the much-outdated imperial system of units. For example a "rule of thumb" is that an average suburban family's annual water usage should be around 1 acre-foot. This is equal to just under 3.4 m³ daily.

Conversion Tables for US Dry Gallons (dry gal) to Acre Feet (ac⋅ft)