What is 54dry pt in Cubic Feet?

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What is 54 Pints (US Dry) (54dry pt) in Cubic Feet (ft³)?

What is 54dry pt in ft³? Convert 54 Pints (US Dry) (54dry pt) to Cubic Feet (ft³) and show formula, brief history on the units and quick maths for the conversion.

Enter Pints (US Dry) to convert to Cubic Feet

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Swap Units (ft³ → dry pt)
54dry pt = 1.05ft³

Quick Reference for Converting Pints (US Dry) to Cubic Feet

ft³ = dry pt / 51.43
Quick Rough Maths
To get the Cubic Feet, divide the number of Pints (US Dry) by 51.4
Pints (US Dry) (dry pt) in 1 Cubic Foot
There are 51.43 Pints (US Dry) in 1 Cubic Foot
Cubic Feet (ft³) in 1 Pint (US Dry)
There are 0.02 Cubic Feet in 1 Pint (US Dry)

Unit Information

Pint (US Dry)
Symbol: dry pt
Unit System: US Customary

What is the Pint (US Dry)?

The US dry pint is a unit of volume in the US customary system with the symbol dry pt.

1 US dry pint is equal to 1/8 of a dry gallon. This is equal to 1/2 US dry quart or 33.6003125 in³.

The dry pint was derived from the the British corn gallon which was 1/8 the standard 'Winchester' bushel or corn. This was the equivalent of 268.8 in³ when in dry form.

Cubic Foot
Symbol: ft³
Unit System: Imperial

What is the Cubic Foot?

The cubic foot is a unit of volume in the imperial unit system with the symbol ft³.

1 cubic foot is equal to 1/27 yd³ or 1728 in³. It is equal to the volume of a cube measuring 1ft on each side.

One cubic foot of water weighs 62.4 lbs or 28.29 kg.

Conversion Tables for Pints (US Dry) (dry pt) to Cubic Feet (ft³)