What is 660000gi in Cubic Feet?

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What is 660000 Gills (660000gi) in Cubic Feet (ft³)?

What is 660000gi in ft³? Convert 660000 Gills (660000gi) to Cubic Feet (ft³) and show formula, brief history on the units and quick maths for the conversion.

Enter Gills to convert to Cubic Feet

Reset Form
Swap Units (ft³ → gi)
660000gi = 3311.21ft³

Quick Reference for Converting Gills to Cubic Feet

ft³ = gi / 199.32
Quick Rough Maths
To get the Cubic Feet, divide the number of Gills by 199.3
Gills (gi) in 1 Cubic Foot
There are 199.32 Gills in 1 Cubic Foot
Cubic Feet (ft³) in 1 Gill
There are 0.01 Cubic Feet in 1 Gill

Unit Information

Symbol: gi
Unit System: Imperial

What is the Gill?

The gill is a unit of volume in the imperial unit system and uses the symbol gi.

It represents 1/4 of a pint - so in this instance, it is 1/4 of an imperial pint - therefore measures exactly 142.0653125 ml. It's also equal to 2 imperial cups and 1/32 of an imperial gallon.

It is pronounced with a "J" sound at the beginning - and it actually part of a humorous in the nursery rhyme 'Jack & Jill'.

In the UK it was used throughout pubs as standard measures; for example spirits were served as 1/6 gill as standard. In Scotland it was 1/5 gill and in Ireland 1/4 gill. It's still used in the Republic of Ireland today.

Cubic Foot
Symbol: ft³
Unit System: Imperial

What is the Cubic Foot?

The cubic foot is a unit of volume in the imperial unit system with the symbol ft³.

1 cubic foot is equal to 1/27 yd³ or 1728 in³. It is equal to the volume of a cube measuring 1ft on each side.

One cubic foot of water weighs 62.4 lbs or 28.29 kg.

Conversion Tables for Gills (gi) to Cubic Feet (ft³)