The imperial pint is a unit of volume in the imperial unit system with the symbol pt.
1 imperial pint is equal to 1/8 of an imperial gallon. This is equal to 1/2 imperial quart, 4 imperial gills or 20 imperial fluid ounces. In SI / metric this equates to 568.26125 ml.
In Britain, all beer, ales and stout must be served in pubs by the pint (or half pint). Every single glass, despite being a 'pint' must have the numbers 568 ml printed on the side - and because of this, is likely the most commonly known conversion factor amongst the British population.
The bushel is a unit of volume in the imperial unit system with the symbol bsh.
1 bushel is equal to 8 dry gallons, or 36.36872 litres.
The bushel was introduced in England as a unit to bridge the relatively large gap between a pound and a ton - and was used largely to measure volumes of liquid being imported and exported following the Norman Conquest such as wine and ale.
The name bushel comes from the ancient French 'boissiel' which means 'little box'.