Convert Cubic Millimetres (mm³) into other units of volume e.g. m³, cm³, cup, fl oz, ft³, gal, in³, L, fl oz, pt, Tsp

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Let's convert Cubic Millimetres (mm³) to another unit of Volume

This quick and easy calculator will convert Cubic Millimetres (mm³) into other units of volume e.g. m³, cm³, cup, fl oz, ft³, gal, in³, L, fl oz, pt, Tsp

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Unit Information

Cubic Millimetre
Symbol: mm³
Unit System: SI

What is the Cubic Millimetre?

The cubic millimetre (or cubic millimeter; US spelling) is a unit of volume and is derived from an SI unit with the symbol mm³.

One cubic millimetre is defined as the volume of a cube with sides one millimetre in length. It is the same as a microlitre. It is equal to 0.000000001m³.

There are 1 billion cubic millimetres in a cubic metre.