The US fluid ounce is a unit of volume in the US customary unit system with the symbol fl oz.
Primarily used for measuring the volume or capacity of liquids, 1 US fluid ounce is equal to 29.57353 ml. It is also equal to 1.040843 imperial fluid ounces.
1 US fluid ounce is equal to 1/16 imperial pint, 1/32 imperial quart and 1/128 imperial gallon.
The fluid ounce was originally defined by the volume taken up by one ounce of a substance. Of course this would be different depending on the density of that substance; for example England used wine whereas Scotland used water to establish this measure.
The US fluid ounce is derived from the US gallon; which was originally based on the English wine gallon (231 cubic inches).
The cubic metre (or cubic meter; US spelling) is a unit of volume and is derived from an SI unit with the symbol m³.
1 cubic metre is exactly 1000 litres. It is also ≈ 6.29 barrels, ≈ 220 imperial gallons and ≈ 35.3 cubic feet.
1 cubic metre of water in normal conditions (≈4 °C) weighs exactly 1000 kg (or 1 tonne).)
The cubic metre is the unit used to measure water usage and often water bills are broken down into how many m³ has passed through the property / business.