Convert Quarts (US Dry) (qt) into other units of volume e.g. m³, cm³, mm³, cup, fl oz, ft³, gal, in³, L, fl oz, pt, Tsp

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Let's convert Quarts (US Dry) (qt) to another unit of Volume

This quick and easy calculator will convert Quarts (US Dry) (qt) into other units of volume e.g. m³, cm³, mm³, cup, fl oz, ft³, gal, in³, L, fl oz, pt, Tsp

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Unit Information

Quart (US Dry)
Symbol: qt
Unit System: US Customary

What is the Quart (US Dry)?

The US dry quart is a unit of volume in the US customary system with the symbol qt.

1 US dry quart is equal to 1/32 US bushels, 1/8 US pecks, 1/4 US dry gallons or 2 US dry pints. The SI / metric equivalent is ≈ 1.101221 L. There are 38.758 imperial fluid ounces in