Convert Micrograms (µg) into other units of weight e.g. kg, g, mg, oz, lb, st, t

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Let's convert Micrograms (µg) to another unit of Weight

This quick and easy calculator will convert Micrograms (µg) into other units of weight e.g. kg, g, mg, oz, lb, st, t

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Unit Information

Symbol: µg
Unit System: SI

What is the Microgram?

The microgram is a unit of mass (acceptable for use as weight on Earth) and is a submultiple of an SI base unit with the symbol μg.

1 microgram is equal to 0.000001 or 1/1000000 g (one millionth of a gram).

The symbol μg is avoided in medical practises / applications because there is a chance the 'μ' could be misread as an 'm'; resulting in mg being interpreted rather than μg - which could lead to a 1000x overdose.