What is 82hr-sr in Sidereal Minutes?

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What is 82 Sidereal Hours (82hr-sr) in Sidereal Minutes (min-sr)?

What is 82hr-sr in min-sr? Convert 82 Sidereal Hours (82hr-sr) to Sidereal Minutes (min-sr) and show formula, brief history on the units and quick maths for the conversion.

Enter Sidereal Hours to convert to Sidereal Minutes

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Swap Units (min-sr → hr-sr)
82hr-sr = 4920min-sr

Quick Reference for Converting Sidereal Hours to Sidereal Minutes

min-sr = hr-sr x 60
Quick Rough Maths
To get the Sidereal Minutes, multiply the number of Sidereal Hours by 60.0
Sidereal Hours (hr-sr) in 1 Sidereal Minute
There are 0.02 Sidereal Hours in 1 Sidereal Minute
Sidereal Minutes (min-sr) in 1 Sidereal Hour
There are 60 Sidereal Minutes in 1 Sidereal Hour

Unit Information

Sidereal Hour
Symbol: hr-sr
Unit System: SI

What is the Sidereal Hour?

The sidereal hour is a unit of time used by astronomers and is derived from the SI unit system. We have used the symbol hr-sr.

1 sidereal hour is made up of 60 sidereal minutes. This is derived ultimately from the sidereal day which is the time taken (in solar seconds) for the Earth to complete one rotation with respect to a distant star or constellation.

The sidereal hour angle is used when calculating sidereal time which is actually the angle along the celestial equator; from where one stands to the great circle that travels through the March equinox and both celestial poles.

Sidereal Minute
/sʌɪˈdɪərɪəlˈ mɪnɪt/
Symbol: min-sr
Unit System: SI

What is the Sidereal Minute?

The sidereal minute is a unit of time used by astronomers and is derived from the SI unit system. We have used the symbol m-sr.

1 sidereal minute is made up of 60 sidereal seconds. This is derived ultimately from the sidereal day which is the time taken (in solar seconds) for the Earth to complete one rotation with respect to a distant star or constellation.

Conversion Tables for Sidereal Hours (hr-sr) to Sidereal Minutes (min-sr)