What is 94pt in Cups?

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What is 94 Pints (Imperial) (94pt) in Cups (cup)?

What is 94pt in cup? Convert 94 Pints (Imperial) (94pt) to Cups (cup) and show formula, brief history on the units and quick maths for the conversion.

Enter Pints (Imperial) to convert to Cups

Quick Reference for Converting Pints (Imperial) to Cups

cup = pt x 2.4
Quick Rough Maths
To get the Cups, multiply the number of Pints (Imperial) by 2.4
Pints (Imperial) (pt) in 1 Cup
There are 0.42 Pints (Imperial) in 1 Cup
Cups (cup) in 1 Pint (Imperial)
There are 2.4 Cups in 1 Pint (Imperial)

Unit Information

Pint (Imperial)
Symbol: pt
Unit System: Imperial

What is the Pint (Imperial)?

The imperial pint is a unit of volume in the imperial unit system with the symbol pt.

1 imperial pint is equal to 1/8 of an imperial gallon. This is equal to 1/2 imperial quart, 4 imperial gills or 20 imperial fluid ounces. In SI / metric this equates to 568.26125 ml.

In Britain, all beer, ales and stout must be served in pubs by the pint (or half pint). Every single glass, despite being a 'pint' must have the numbers 568 ml printed on the side - and because of this, is likely the most commonly known conversion factor amongst the British population.

Symbol: cup
Unit System: US Customary

What is the Cup?

The cup is a unit of volume in the US customary unit system with the symbol cup.

It is equal to 1/2 US customary pint, 1/4 US customary quart and 1/16 US customary gallon. it is also equal to 236.5882365 millilitres.

Used primarily for cooking - the cup was adopted and established as a recognised unit of measure as it could be used by almost anyone in any kitchen. Due to the slight variants in design and size, it is rarely used as an accurate measure for important or critical materials, however it does represent a specific amount and can be used across many recipes to indicate what is needed.

Conversion Tables for Pints (Imperial) (pt) to Cups (cup)